The book I'm going to be talking about today is apart of a four book series. It is called The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Instead of talking about the first book, I will actually talking about the second book: The Second Summer of the Sisterhood. The first and second book of this series was made into movies. That personally I have never seen. I have only read the first book and I am reading the second one currently. I would recommend this book to girls the ages twelve and older. But mainly to the middle school and high school girls, because this book is about friendship and keeping it together no matter how far away you are from friends. I think it would help influence girls who read this story to try and keep your friendships together.
The title of this book explains the time frame of this story. After their first summer of being apart and having crazy adventures the girls get ready to have another great summer. The girls find out that Tibby is going to a film program in Virgina for the summer. While Lena and Carmen are staying home in Washington, D.C. But what about little old Bridget? She starts to stay home but abruptly finds some letters that were sent to her from a Greta Randolph and decides to go to Alabama to see and talk to this Greta Randolph. Hence, the pants come out for another summer. What will Carmen and Lena do at home? How will Tibby's film program go? Who is this Greta Randolph? Will Bridget ever meet her? Find out by reading this series! Which can be found at your local library! Thank you for reading! Comment if you want me to blog about a certain book or movie. Tell me if you have any suggestions.
And don't forget the rules of the pants! See Ya!