Before I start this blog, I wanted to say that I will be putting up new blogs every Monday morning at 8:30 A.M, but I probably will put short little blogs during the week. Okay onto the blogging. Today I read a book called Hannah's Journal: The Story of an Immigrant Girl. The author of this book is Marissa Moss. (Author of the Amelia Notebook books.)
This story is about a Jewish-Russian girl named Hannah. Her family needs her to go to America so they can have a better life, she has to go with her cousin Esther, and along the way meets a new friend named Samuel. Will they finally make it to America? How does Esther and Hannah handle the journey? When do they meet Samuel? You will have to find out when you read the book. I absolutely loved this short novel. I recommend this book for people nine and up. Lil Miss Critic signing off. See you next Monday morning!!
What a nice book!